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            Solutions / Services  Benefits for Customers     Top Strikes       Hunting / Farming Terrain  NCS Contact Person
                                                        (Prospecting Questions)  (Customer Profile)

         Microsoft SharePoint   •  Assesses organisational   •  How does your organisation   Target Industries  Chooi Yu San
         Server Technical Advisory   readiness for collaboration   collaborate between              Director
         Services                and KM using proven    Individuals and/or between   Applicable to all industries.   +65 6556 6641
                                 technology platform    organisations, to achieve                   +65 96541788
         Technology roadmap for   •  Envisions and strategises   business goals?          
         knowledge management,   to improve enterprise, team   •  Are you using SharePoint
         document management,    and individual productivity   today? What is it use for?           Eric Leong Kwan Fai
         content management,                            Which version of SharePoint                 Lead Architect
         collaboration, and information   •  Improved knowledge sharing   your organisation is      +65 6556 6850
         management.             and collaboration                                                  +65 9239 3609
                                                        using? Any painpoints you
                                •  Diagnose and assess   encounter today using your       
         Health-check for existing   existing SharePoint   SharePoint?
         SharePoint environments.   environment issues to
                                 improve stability and
         Transformational services   This helps create the business   •  Does your organisation
                                case for rationalisation,   still uses old versions of
         Migration services to transit   consolidation, transformation   SharePoint (i.e. 2003, 2007
         from existing Enterprise   and collaboration.   and 2010)?
         Content Management                           •  Are you looking for
         systems, websites,     •  Upgrades across Microsoft   Enterprise Search Engine
         collaborative platforms and   SharePoint versions (CMS   that ease the retrieval of
         portals to Microsoft SharePoint.   2002, SPS 2003. MOSS   information?
                                 2007. Microsoft SharePoint
         Social Network         •  Enables users to quickly and   •  Do you have a challenge
                                 easily identify co-workers   in team collaboration and
         The social and collaboration   with a particular expertise,   looking for ways to improve
         features in SharePoint help   exchange knowledge and   communications?
         users to connect and    work together efficiently   •  Does your organisation
         communicate with each other   •  Empowers people to engage   embrace sharing among
         as well as find, track and   with one another, while also   each other?
         share important content and   increasing their commitment
         information.            and workplace satisfaction

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