Page 12 - NCS Sales Manual 2018.pdf
P. 12
Solutions / Services Benefits for Customers Top Strikes Hunting / Farming Terrain NCS Contact Person
(Prospecting Questions) (Customer Profile)
Enterprise Search • Provides a single point • What are the challenges Target Industries Chooi Yu San
to search across all your faced or envisioned business Director
Search provides a powerful, repositories of information, needs of your organisation Applicable to all industries. +65 6556 6641
scalable and extendable including collaboration relating to Search? +65 96541788
service. It facilitates users to systems, email, intranet sites • What are your users’
easily locate content stored in and content management pain points in search of
the various Intranet sites as platforms information? Eric Leong Kwan Fai
well as other external content • Able to find information in the Lead Architect
sources, such as file shares, context of their tasks • What are the scope and +65 6556 6850
Exchange public folders, limitations of the current +65 9239 3609
and line-of-business (LOB) • Receiving accurate system?
applications databases. information on demand
• Improve productivity as
people spend less time
looking for information and
more time completing tasks,
closing sales and helping
End-to-end Implementation • Enables the incorporation of • Target at existing File Share
and Deployment Services customer views at all stages customers or old versions of
of the system development SharePoint users?
Provides the installation /
configuration, development/ • Provides users with a • What are the pain points or
customisation, version complete, fully functioning limitations of current system?
upgrades as well as support package in a ready to use • What are the expected
and maintenance service. state improvements in the process
• Enables users to utilise of creating the system?
SharePoint without worrying • How maintainable/
about its technicalities and manageable are your
existing systems?
• Are any of your systems
already End-of-life or going
to End-of-life?
12 NCS Sales Manual | Business Application Services | 2018