Page 37 - NCS Sales Manual 2018.pdf
P. 37



         Implementing Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution to help organizations streamline enterprise operations, augment workforce and improve productivity.  Powered
         by AI and VA, RPA can replicate not only simple, but also complex, laborious activities requiring expert judgement or complex decision-making at greater scale, speed,
         and accuracy than humans.

            Solutions / Services  Benefits for Customers     Top Strikes       Hunting / Farming Terrain  NCS Contact Person
                                                        (Prospecting Questions)  (Customer Profile)

         Robotic Process        •  Improve Time to Market   •  Are employees prepared for   Primary Target Industries:  Fong San Nee
         Automation (RPA)        RPA can reduce processing   the introduction of a digital          Practice Director
         provides ecosystem to integrate   time from days and hours to   workforce?  •  Applicable for all   +65 9658 9642
         AI, VA and OCR and automate   minutes and seconds  •  Which areas of business   organizations who access
         business processes to achieve   •  Implement within Weeks   could benefit from a digital   multiple systems to collate,   Ang Huey Min
         straight-through processing.                                          consolidate and update data   Practice Manager
                                 Non-intrusive and does   workforce?                                +65 9732 7224
                                 not require changes to                      •  All organizations to
         Virtual Agent (VA) is a digital   underlying systems  •  Who and how will the digital   streamline and automate
         character, which provides                      workforce be managed and   business operations to cope
         information and service   •  Enhance Service Quality   supervised?    with spikes in work and
         assistance to customers   Automation reduces manual   •  How can employees   maintain service turnaround
         through conversational   intervention therefore   work alongside the digital   time
         interaction.            reducing number of errors   workforce in executing a
                                 created                process?             •  All organizations who are
                                •  Manpower Lite      •  How do you measure the   transforming to digital
                                 RPA relieves human from   benefits of introducing a
                                 handling repetitive and   digital workforce?
                                 voluminous tasks
                                •  Scale to Deliver
                                 Robots can run 24/7 and
                                 scale up and down to
                                 accommodate spikes in work
                                •  Reach out to Customer
                                 Multi-channel enablement
                                 via web, social media,
                                 mobile apps
                                •  Integrate intelligent
                                 One-stop solution for bot
                                 implementation, professional
                                 services and backend

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