Page 41 - NCS Sales Manual 2018.pdf
P. 41
Solutions / Services Benefits for Customers Top Strikes Hunting / Farming Terrain NCS Contact Person
(Prospecting Questions) (Customer Profile)
Lighting Management • Instant Notification - • Do you currently have any Target Industries Christopher Chai
System (i-Light) Customer will be able to be visibility of your company’s Head OTS
notified instantly via SMS lighting energy consumption Public and commercial entities +65 9733 4379
The NCS Lighting Management when lights are faulty. The level? that are interested in managing
System is a robust and faulty status of the lights will • Are you interested to find out lighting at indoor and outdoor
intelligent system that enables be displayed on the web how you can optimise your areas such as parks, corridors
real-time fault management based interface company’s lighting energy and streets.
detection and timely alarm and • Distributed Intelligence - The usage?
notification to relevant parties. system is designed with • Annual energy usage:
This ensures that operators and distributed intelligence, there • Does your company has >S$100K
building managers are able to is no single point of failure. or is pursuing any BCA • Min deal size: S$1Mil
receive up-to-date notification In the event if controller is Greenmark certifications?
about faults and resolve them down, the schedule will still
quickly. Lights can also be run. In the event if central
scheduled to be switched on, control box is down, the
off or dimmed automatically system will still run as usual
to reduce energy consumption (Anti-sabotage)
during quiet hours. Other
electrical devices can also be • Web Based Graphical
included in the system for total Interface - Customer has a
devices management. visual aid on the lights and
devices in their premises
• Reports and Statistic -
Customer is able to measure
the energy being used by the
lights and devices. Therefore
they are able to control their
electrical bills
• Flexible Schedule
Management - Customer
is able to schedule the
dimming of lights and
when to switch on the
lights in order to reduce
electricity bills. Different
modules are available for
different applications and
NCS Sales Manual | Communications Engineering | 2018 41