P. 3

5.  Administration Set Up:

                    The shed is headed by Sri. P.Madhusudhana Rao, Sr.DME assisted by the following

                       Sl. No.             Name S.Sri.                         Designation
                         1.             ADME/M/DSL/MLY                     C.R.Krishna Reddy
                         2.              ADME/ESC/MLY                            S.Murali
                         3.               AMM/DSL/MLY                         M.V. Ramana

                 6.  Loco Holding:

                       Sl.       Type of
                       No.     locomotive         Nos.                      Remarks
                        1.        WDM 3A           14                           --
                        2.        WDG 3A           62                           --
                        3.   DEMU 1400 HP          20                           --
                        4.   DEMU 1600 HP          07                           --
                        5.      DEMU TCs           93                           --

                        6.        SPART            01
                        7.       SPMRV             01
                        8.     140 T Crane         01             At SC station of SC Division

                        9.         SPIC            01
                       10.       SPAMRV            01            At NZB station of HYB Division

                       11.       SPAMRV            01            At PAU station of NED Division

                          Total Effective          202

                 7.  Locos and DEMUs in Operation:
                     a)  DEMUs:
                      Sl.     Service       No. of     Type of               Sections covered
                      No                    Rakes       Locos
                                                                    Works over
                                                                    a)  HYB, SC, NED, GTL & GNT
                            Passenger/                1400/1600
                      1                       11                        divisions of S.C. Rly
                             Sub-Urban                HP DEMU
                                                                    b)  UBL & SBC divisions of SWR &
                                                                    c)  SUR division of CR

                     b)  Locomotives:
                     Sl.                             No. of        Type of
                     No           Service            Locos          Locos          Sections covered
                                                                  WDM3A &        Works over S.C.Rly,
                      1    Coaching Link               46
                                                                   WDG3A         C.Rly, N.W.Rly.
                           Goods/ Department        Target -      WDM3A &
                      2                                                          Works over IR
                           Purpose                    16.7         WDG3A

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