P. 5

10. Performance:

                S.No  Parameter                     2020-21                  2021-22                   %
                                                           Perf               Prop             w.r.t
                                                          20-21     Target   Target    Perf    2020-     w.r.t
                                            Perf 20-21              21-22             21-22             Target
                                                           (Sep               (Sep)   (Sep)     21     2021-22
                1.           Asset Failure      18          2          52      26        8              69.23
                2.           Punctuality         1          Nil       1.44      1        1                 -

                3.           Outage            8.87        8.11      14.48  14.48  15.34  89.15          5.94

                4.                  Alco       3.87        4.03        6        6      5.03  24.81      16.17

                5.           Ineffectiv DEM    7.06        6.46       11.8    11.8     7.99  23.68      32.29
                             e      U
                6.                  TCs        4.85        3.99       5.5      5.5     4.92  23.31      10.55

                7.                  Ferr      188.28       19.8       150      75     82.47              9.96
                8.            Scrap   Non-                                                       **
                                    Fe        3.905         0          4       2.0     9.26              363
                9.          Lube   to   fuel   0.62        1.42       0.6      0.6     0.46  67.71      23.33
                10.        Maintenance cost    1.03        1.15         -       -      0.54                -
                        (for 1000 HP)
                11.         IOD cases           Nil         Nil      -25%  -25%          1                 -
                                                                      YoY     YoY

                 11. INFRASTRUCTURE & FACILITIES:

                          Loco Maintenance Pit lines with EOT Cranes – 8 Locos Capacity
                          Loco & DEMU Maintenance Pit lines with EOT Cranes – 2 Locos Capacity
                          Loco Under truck Maintenance Pit lines with EOT Cranes – 3 Locos Capacity
                          Under Floor CNC Wheel Lathe
                          DM Water Plant of 3000 Ltrs/Hour Capacity
                          Distilled Water Plant of 30 Ltrs/Hour Capacity
                          Effluent Treatment Plant of 5000 Ltrs/Hour Capacity
                          Incinerator of 50 Kg/Hour Capacity
                          Oil Spectrometer
                          Computerized Water Load Box
                          RO plant of 250 Ltrs Capacity
                          Loco/DEMU Turn Table

                 12. IMPORTANT M&P:

                      Under floor CNC Wheel Lathe (BG)
                      Fork Lift Truck
                      Whiting Jacks
                      Road mobile cranes

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