P. 7
Augmentation of DEMU Facilities:
Augmentation of MEMU/DEMU Car shed for holding 16 MEMU/DEMU rakes
with provision of 180m pit line with catwalks, stabling line of 450 m length
and shunting neck of 255 m), Admin building and OHE car shed and
approaching service Roads
Pink Book No. 624 of 2021-22, PH 4200
Original Detailed
sanction Estimated Present status.
cost in Rs. Cost
9.61 12.83 Civil works:
Crores Crores
Construction of OHE/TRD/SC material shed, shed
approaching road with RPF post has been completed.
Construction of Admin Building and construction of pit
line under Progress
Stabling line and Shunting line work to be started.
Electrical works:
Work under progress.
Mechanical works (M&P items
Welding plants Qty:2 Nos PO to be released
Air Compressors s Qty:03 Nos
Office Equipment (To be Processed)
Shifting of the world S&T exchange to the existing admin
building is completed and other works i.e. PA system and
LAN works to be started in Admin building.
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