Page 124 - Microsoft Word - NEW 2017 Standard Program.docx
P. 124

Reputation is defined as: the general esteem in which a person is held or “perceived”
                   by others.

                   Simply  put,  “character”  signifies  reality  --  what  a  man  really  is  --  whereas
                   “reputation” is the perception of attributes others believe one to possess.

                   An individual’s ethics, integrity, morals and professionalism are developed by constant
                   determination from within; a commitment and determination to be the best you can be
                   while treating others, both personally and in business, with the same level of honesty,
                   compassion and respect with which you expect to be treated.

                   Look at “The Man in the Glass” each morning and reaffirm that commitment, and  the
                   commitment  to  be  totally  responsible  and  accountable  for  YOUR  actions.  Make  a
                   commitment not to cheat, even if the “other” person does. Remember that we are all
                   born with the same amount of INTEGRITY, and that no one can take it away from us.
                   We can sell it or give it away, but if we do, we can never get it back … at any price.

                   As a business owner, you should aspire to manage with unswerving commitment to ethics,
                   integrity  and  professionalism.  A  business  so  built  will  attract  the  client  looking  for  a
                   long-term relationship. However, it must be remembered that these attributes alone will
                   not assure your business of longevity.  Otherwise, there would be no need for business
                   training,  education,  good  business  acumen  or  entrepreneurial  spirit.  Many  books  have
                   been written on ethics, professionalism, integrity and morality, and these are qualities we
                   should inculcate into our business and personal lives. Following are what I believe to  be
                   some Helpful Reminders we can use in our business and personal lives:

                       qq   Give your client more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
                       qq   Never laugh at anyone’s dreams (they may win the lottery).
                       qq   Remember that great achievements involve great risks.
                       qq   When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.
                       qq   When you realize you’ve made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct

                       qq   Open your arms to change, but never let go of your values.
                       qq   Trust in God but lock your car.
                       qq   Share your knowledge. It’s a way to achieve immortality.
                       qq   Pray … there’s immeasurable power in it.
                       qq   Mind your own business.
                       qq   If you make a lot of money put some of it to work helping others while   you
                            are living … that is wealth’s greatest satisfaction.
                       qq   Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a stroke of luck.
                       qq   Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.
                       qq   Remember that your character is your destiny.
                       qq   No man ever stands so tall as when he bends over to help a child.

                   “When the One Great Author comes to write against your name, He writes not that you
                   won or lost, but HOW YOU PLAYED THE GAME.”
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