Page 131 - Microsoft Word - NEW 2017 Standard Program.docx
P. 131

Defensive Driving Techniques

                   Now that the tow truck has been properly checked for road worthiness, let us begin to
                   look at the techniques used by the professional defensive driver. Following is the accident
                   prevention formula developed and used over many years:

                       1.  Recognize the Hazard
                       2.  Understand the Defense
                       3.  Act Correctly in Time

                   The driver’s ability to execute this formula is the very foundation of defensive driving.
                   Let us examine and elaborate on this formula:

                   1.  Recognize the Hazard: In order to recognize the hazard successfully, the professional
                       driver will avoid driving with a “fixed’ stare on the vehicle ahead and will constantly
                       “scan” the road ahead while driving in city traffic. For  highway driving,  a  good  rule
                       is  to  scan  the  next  curve,  side  road  or  hill.  Potential  hazards behind are recognized
                       by checking rear view mirrors every five seconds.

                   2.  Understand the Defense: It is raining, the road is wet and the driver ahead  suddenly
                       loses control of his vehicle and begins to slide. There are deep drainage ditches on
                       either  side  of  the  roadway.  Recognizing  a  potential  hazard,  you  must  understand
                       what steps should be taken to avoid a collision by anticipating what will most likely

                   3.  Act Correctly in Time: Acting correctly will involve three possible options: braking
                       (either slowing or stopping); steering to the left or right; or tapping the horn to  alert
                       another  driver  or  pedestrian  of  your  presence  or  intentions. In  the  above example
                       the correct action would be to immediately slow down, slightly apply  brakes so as not
                       to skid and continue to slow until it is determined whether a complete stop is necessary.

                       Another Example: You are driving your tow truck on the highway, transporting a
                       repossessed vehicle. You top a hill and immediately observe a collision which has
                       blocked your lane of travel. You have recognized the hazard, which is the blockage
                       of your lane by the wrecked vehicle.

                       You have also observed that the right shoulder of the road is sufficiently wide and
                       safe for the weight of your tow truck and the towed vehicle. You understand that
                       your defense is to slow down and move slowly to the shoulder of the road so that
                       traffic  behind  you  will  also  be  able  to  see  the  hazard.  You  act  by  applying  your
                       brakes and moving to the shoulder until the roadway is clear. Speed is an extremely
                       important factor here. One of the reasons for posted speed limits is so the driver  will
                       have time to follow the above formula.
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