Page 136 - Microsoft Word - NEW 2017 Standard Program.docx
P. 136

Upon hearing a siren, the defensive driver will immediately slow down, check rear  view
                   mirrors and blind spots, and move to the right. If moving to the right is not possible,  stay
                   in your lane. Do not attempt to move to the left because the emergency vehicle driver is
                   trained to move to the left to avoid traffic. Depending upon the amount of traffic and
                   available lanes, it may become necessary to come to a complete stop. In such instances,
                   be particularly aware of traffic behind you.

                   If  you  think  wearing  them  is  a  “pain,”  visit  your  local  hospital,  emergency  room  or
                   cemetery. Probably all of us have heard stories of crash victims who say that if they had
                   been wearing seatbelts they would not have survived. That may be true. However,  the
                   statistics  overwhelmingly  favor  wearing  seatbelts,  and  in  many  states  the  practice  is
                   mandated by statute. We must realize that nothing is a sure thing except death and taxes,
                   and many who have shunned seatbelts have experienced the former as a result of a traffic
                   crash. Considering the enormous amount of miles a Recovery Agent drives each  year,
                   every safety precaution should be taken advantage of for the sake of our careers and our

                   Cellular Telephones:
                   No piece of modern equipment has had a greater impact on the safety of drivers than
                   what used to be known as a simple cell phone. Nowadays, this device is not only a phone,
                   but also a computer, GPS system, texting device (replacing pagers), TV, radio, camera,
                   gaming device, organizer … you name it … it does it!

                   Using  these  “modern  marvels”  while  operating  a  tow  truck  can  very  easily  cause  the
                   injury or death of not only the Recovery Agent and/or his passenger assistant but also that
                   of an innocent driver of another vehicle or an unsuspecting pedestrian. It is unlikely  that
                   there is one person reading these words who has not had a close call, in some way,
                   while using one of these devices.

                   “Hands-free” car kits available allow you to keep both hands on the steering wheel, and
                   many  phones  and  radios  are  now  equipped  with  Bluetooth  access,  allowing  this  same
                   hands-free communication. Keep in mind though, that even with this convenience, your
                   mind  and  attention  work  differently  while  communicating  on  a  phone  or  other
                   technological device rather than to someone sitting next to you.

                   No one wants “Big Brother” dictating our every move but when people are killed every
                   day due to improper use of these devices, Big Brother will have no choice but to ban such
                   use in your automobile. About the only thing keeping Big Brother in check is that he is
                   also guilty.

                   So, use a hands-free system and pull over to use your phone or any other device that  takes
                   your full attention from operating your vehicle. NOTHING is so important that it can’t
                   wait until you can find a safe place to stop.
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