Page 138 - Microsoft Word - NEW 2017 Standard Program.docx
P. 138

We could include many more of these comments and videos but I think you get the message.

                  When we think of “exhibitionism” we usually picture some clown running around in public
                  “in the buff.”  However, the dictionary defines exhibitionism as “the practice of behaving so
                  as to attract attention”, and that is exactly what these social media “exhibitionists” are doing.
                  And they are doing it in a manner that reflects ignorance and arrogance to the detriment of
                  their career while not appreciating the unfortunate financial situation the debtor may be in.

                  Insurance  carriers  consider  such  behavior  irresponsible,  a  potential  for  litigation  and  a
                  primary basis for determining potential insurance risks which can lead to non-renewal of
                  coverages and even denial of claims.  Recovery industry professionals already recognize the
                  difficulty of securing appropriate insurance coverages for self-help repossession services and
                  if an attorney finds “ammunition” on social media such as the above examples that he can
                  use in court you can be sure he will.

                  If you are one of those recovery agents or agency owners that subscribes to such posts on
                  social media sites, consider yet another cause for addressing this very serious issue.  Suppose
                  one of those debtors whose car you have repossessed files a UDAAP (Unfair Deceptive and
                  Abusive Practice), or Invasion of Privacy complaint over such irresponsible comments and/or
                  photos with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).  GAME OVER!!!
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