Page 137 - Microsoft Word - NEW 2017 Standard Program.docx
P. 137

In-Truck Computers
                   Technology has made it necessary for the Recovery Agent to be equipped with  a computer
                   in his tow truck. As with cellular telephones, when it becomes necessary to operate the
                   computer,  you  should  not  be  operating  your  tow  truck.  The  professional  driver
                   recognizes the potential dangers of operating a phone or computer while driving. He also
                   recognizes the many accidents, collision damages, bodily injury and deaths resulting from
                   the irresponsible acts of the non-professional driver.

                   When  you  consider  operating  your  phone  or  computer  while  also  operating  your
                   tow truck, PLEASE think first about the welfare of your family and the family  your
                   irresponsibility may affect.

                  Social Media
                  It’s Impact on Insurance Coverages

                  In this Section, we have provided statistics on the potential dangers of traffic crashes from
                  the improper use of cell phones and other in-truck technological devices.  The following
                  information will show how the improper use of Social Media has a huge potential impact on
                  insurance coverages for Recovery Agents.

                  Like a double-edged sword, social media can be a great way to communicate or if used
                  irresponsibility can make you bleed headaches.  Remember, what you post on any social
                  media site it doesn’t go away….ever!  In our research of social media and its potential impact
                  on insurance coverages we have found the following information.

                  Underwriting guidelines, which sets the rules as to whether you are insurable were previously
                  and primarily based on your past driving record and then expanded into looking at your credit
                  history. Why?  Because it speaks of your character and habits.  Now, the new phenomenon
                  that insurance carriers are looking at is social media for statements and/or photos that might
                  indicate  irresponsibility  and/or  the  potential  for  violating  an  individual’s  (primarily  the
                  debtor’s) privacy rights.

                  Our  research  of  social  media  posts/photos  by  recovery  agents  that  insurance  carriers  are
                  looking at include the following examples:

                      1.  Selfie  of  recovery  agent  and  girlfriend  and  repossessed  vehicle  with  the
                         comment, “Got the dead-beat p…...”
                      2.  Selfie with comment about the firearms he carries in his tow truck.
                      3.  Selfie with repossession hooked to tow truck with the comment, “another dirt
                         bag bites the dust.”
                      4.  Comment, “I’m locked and loaded and looking for another dead-beat debtor.”
                      5.  Video showing debtor chasing repossessor who had just repossessed his vehicle
                         with the comment, “another dead-beat debtor bites the dust.”
                      6.  Photo  showing  debtor’s  tag  number  with  vehicle  hooked  to  tow  truck  with
                         comment, “hooked and booked.”
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