Page 6 - Portfolio Pauline Vieira 2019
P. 6
about me
Fashion has always been my passion since adolescence. I loved
buying fabrics, making my own clothes, and getting the seamstress to make
them instead of buying clothes in stores. I always went to the fabric stores of
my city when I came home from school and I was even known to the
At the time of my choice of profession I had no doubts about what I
would be happy working with: FASHION.
I went to the fashion college and with less than a year studying, I
started to work in garment industries, so I have 18 years of experience with 35
years of age. I really am passionate about what I do and I always look for more
challenges in this career.
Currently my challenge is to be in the international market. I want to
help companies in the development of fashion product taking all my
experience, creativity and love for fashion. The last company I worked for, I
owned it. Nowadays I believe that one of my biggest differentials so that I can
be hired by some company is precisely the fact of being a professional that
has already been on both sides: as owner and employee of a company. And
that also thinks of creativity and costs, details and deadlines, product
aesthetics and sales success.
I can describe myself as an organized person. Planning and check
lists go hand in hand with my ability to execute. I can solve problems and
unforeseen quickly without creating stress, after all problems are to be solved
and do not have to cause stress. I am dynamic and energetic in my activities, I
do not like having someone ask me the same thing twice. I intend to finish my
activities as soon as possible so that the other person can continue with their
work and the team has good results. I have leadership qualities, which allows
me to reason well my ideas and add people to my projects. I am a smiling
person, easy going, I like to listen to what others have to say.
To have fun I love socializing, in restaurants, bars, shows, museums.
I like to observe people's behavior and how their clothes influence their
personalities. I practice Yoga, and I enjoy doing outdoor exercises and
walking in nature ... Nature and art are my two passions these days.