Page 9 - Portfolio Pauline Vieira 2019
P. 9
I did a lot of market research, used my creativity
and sensitivity to satisfy customers, spending as little
money as possible.
In Brazil, there is a celebration called "Chá de
lingerie". It's a kind of "bachelor party" just for the bride and
her sisters, her cousins, her friends and her relatives. Only
women are allowed in this party. At this party, the bride
celebrates her wedding with her guests and receives only
underwear as gifts. So I created an event like this in my
store. My staff and I were responsible for the party and its
decor. We previously received the guests who purchased
the gifts for the bride at Moema Brazil Store. However,
only products of my company were allowed at this event.
All the decoration was made so that it could be reused
(90%) at events in the future. This avoided more expenses
for the company. The result was always excellent,
increasing sales and also increasing the number of
customers, because all these women, brides and guests,
liked our products and always came back to the store to
buy new underwear, beachwear and sleepwear.
“Valentine's Day" was a date that brought good
financial results for the company. So another marketing
strategy, was decorate the window shop with romantic
photos sent by our customers and their partners. The
clients felt important and were happy to be found by friends
in window shop, approaching the relationship with the
brand. In addition, I put many hearts green and blue
because the World Cup was happening on the same date,
June 12, Valentine's Day in Brazil.
1 - S a l e s t e a m
Moema Brasil store;
2- Art for liquidation
3-Scene from the
movie “Caramuru, a
invenção do Brasil” -
brand inspiration;
4- Collection launch
5-Chá de lingerie;
6 - W i n d o w s h o p :
Valentine´s Day +
World Cup
7- Moema Brasil Store
8-I do customer
service in launch, I
use to listen and relate
directly with customer.
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