Page 8 - Portfolio Pauline Vieira 2019
P. 8



                                                                   BRAND: MOEMA BRASIL
                                                                   POSITION: DIRECTOR / OWN BUSINESS

                In  October  2013,  I  created  my  own                  The products were sold in the store to
         underwear  and  women's  swimwear  company.             retail customers. And the resellers bought the
         The name of my brand was "Moema Brasil" In              products at wholesale.
         addition to creating, I managed my company from                 I  was  responsible  for  the  entire
         O c t o b e r   2 0 1 3   t o   A p r i l   2 0 1 8 .   .  marketing  strategy  of  the  company.
              I designed the logo of Moema Brasil and even       I  was  very  attentive  to  the  commemorative
         the architect's design of the store.  The brand has     dates  that  make  sales  increase,  such  as
         iconographic  references  of  the  Brazilian  film      "Valentine's Day".
         "Caramuru  a  invensão  do  Brasil",  making  a                 I used to select in advance all
         mixture  of  Brazilian  Indian  culture,  European      Marketing actions and I used to develop with
         colonial  culture  and  Brazilian  tropicalism.  All    my team the subjects to post on the social
         these cultural references could be observed in          network as well as pamphlets, window shop,
         the decoration of the store and the products of         product mix, packaging and everything else
         Moema  Brazil  and  reflected  the  profile  of  the    that was needed to attract customers and
         Brazilian woman: exotic, sensual and exuberant.         surprise them.

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