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           Toyota a driving force

           in Cambridge


      As dignitaries gathered for the ground-breaking          Former    Cambridge   MP
      ceremony of Toyota Motor Corporation’s much              Chris Speyer, quoted in an
                                                               article in the Dec. 12, 1985,
      anticipated Cambridge assembly plant on May 6,           edition of the  Cambridge
      1986, the Waterloo Record later reported that four       Reporter announcing the
      windsocks painted to look like fish hung outside         news, said there were
      the tent where officials had gathered.                   incentives in the contract
                                                               to encourage Toyota to buy
                                                               Canadian  parts  and  that
                                                               the provincial government
                                                               would   contribute  $15
                                                               million over five years
                                                               toward a program to train Ontario workers.
                                                               “I’m extraordinarily proud of our community that Toyota would
                                                               choose us to locate such a major enterprise. This is the happiest
                                                               day of my political career,” he told the Reporter, before describing
                                                               the “tremendous positive impact” the plant would have on the
                                                               local economy, noting the average salaries at that time would
                                                               range from between $25,000 to $30,000.
                                                               “Just think of what that means to housing our area, to shopping
                                                               and small business as well as the spin-off effect by other industries
      Called ‘koinobori’ or carp streamer, Toyota Motor Corporation’s   locating within our area in order to service Toyota,” said Speyer.
      late president Dr. Shoichiro Toyoda explained the significance of
      the gesture, noting the fish is known as one that fights its way,   The Cambridge plant was expected, in the beginning, to produce
      even up a waterfall.                                     50,000 cars a year with the capacity to reach 100,000 when market
                                                               conditions permitted, providing work for 1,000 employees. In a
      “The carp streamer is used as a symbol of vitality for parents who   Reporter article published a year before the plant opened, it was
      wish good  health  and  strong  development  for  their  children,”   reported that a progress report indicated it would provide 1,000
      he was quoted at the time. “We have hoisted the koinobori here   direct manufacturing jobs that would result in another 2,000 new
      in the hope that our company will grow to become a business   jobs in the automotive and service industry.
      appreciated and respected by everyone as a whole.”       To date, TMMC now employs more than 8,500 people across its
      Nearly 40 years later, it’s clear this ‘hope’ for success has manifested   three production lines in Cambridge and Woodstock. In Cambridge
      as Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada Inc. (TMMC) continues to   alone, its North and South plants encompass three million square
      be a major industry and economic leader, and community partner   feet on 400 acres located at the corner of Maple Grove Road and
      for Cambridge and southwestern Ontario as a whole.       Fountain Street North.
      From the moment the first Corolla rolled off the assembly line   The company, which has won numerous awards recognizing it
      at its Cambridge facility shortly before 10 a.m. on Nov. 30, 1988,   as a ‘top employer’ and ‘greenest employer’, continues to thrive
      the company has continually succeeded creating hundreds of new   and evolve. In August of last year, it marked a special anniversary
      jobs over the years through the expansion of new product lines.   when a red Lexus NX 350h hybrid electric luxury SUV, rolled off the
      Cambridge was selected from over 40 municipalities in Canada for   line in Cambridge representing the 10th million vehicle produced
      the plant and federal government incentives were a consideration.   by TMMC.

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