Page 7 - CambridgeLookingBackNeat
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waist-deep water, has become the most iconic image of that  However, in all fairness to them, once the city was in flood, they
        event. “Sometimes, I wish it was never taken,” he was quoted  performed outstanding services to the citizens. This extended
        saying on the 20th anniversary of the flood, according to a  right through the clean-up.”
        Waterloo Record article published in 2014. “I’ve taken a lot of   But residents helping one another is what most remember
        ribbing over it. I went to a party once and we all go nicknames.   of that day as those with boats took to the flooded streets to
        They called me ‘Guppy’ for one reason or another.”     provide aid, including a man in a cabin cruiser who rescued

        However, according to that same story, Shuttleworth, who died  many and took them to safety as floodwaters crested in the
        in 1998, did raise $1,000 for flood victims by signing $2 posters  early evening.
        of the photo just a month after it was taken.          And in the years that followed, many improvements have been
        In the end, the flood affected at least 75 businesses and caused  put in place in Cambridge. In 1980, city council approved an
        approximately $6.7 million in damage (the equivalent of $36.9  $8.2 million flood control project that would see earth and
        million in 2023), cleanup not included.                concrete barriers built along the banks of the Grand River.
        “One can understand the bitterness of the large number of   Two years later, council also endorsed a $317,220 flood control
        victims who had no notice or had inadequate notice. A flood   program calling for the construction of a berm from Mill Race
        warning system must be devised to give citizens reasonable   Park to Dickson Street. Also, the GRCA introduced its extensive
        notice of a threatening flood,” Judge Leach wrote in his report   Grand River Water Management Plan which included improved
        conclusions.                                           forecasting and monitoring tools, taking into consideration the
                                                               localized effects of climate change.
        “I have been critical of many persons in this chapter, and I do so
        in the hope that city officials will not be so remiss in their duties   “We don’t know how severe localized events will be,” Stephanie
        again. I have been critical of the City Engineering Department,   Shifflett, GRAC Water Resources Engineer, was quoted in 2014
        the City Administrator, the Police, and the Fire Department, for   in the GrandActions, newsletter. “We recognize that the climate
        the role they played in the flood warning system.      is changing, and we are including that in our decision making.”

       Cambridge also had its share of fires...

                     1995    Fire destroys the                                           1974    The Iroquois Hotel
                                                                                                 on Main Street at
                             historically significant                                            Wellington is destroyed
                             Silknit site on Queen Street                                        by fire on April 6. Loss
                             on Sept. 26. The stone mill                                         set at $400,000.
                             building had originally
                             been built in 1864 for
                             Randall-Farr and Co. Two
                             teen boys later charged in
                             the $700,000 blaze.

                                                                                           1983    In January, fire
                                                                                                   destroys Freddie’s
           Arson ruled as cause of January fire that  1996                                         Tavern, formerly the
       gutted the former Hedstrom factory and part                                                 Sulphur Springs Hotel,
          of the former Clare Bros. Foundry on King                                                one of Preston’s
          Street. Damage so severe the remnants of                                                 historic mineral
                the building must be pulled down.                                                  springs hotels.                                                                       Summer 2023    7
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