Page 6 - INSIGHT MAGAZINE - NoBleed_Neat
P. 6


        The Link connecting


        Our Chamber of Commerce over the years
        has not only learned how to pivot, but how
        to address the concerns, issues and needs
        of the small and medium-sized businesses
        in our community.
        The events of the last few years have only
        strengthened our reason for being. We not
        only champion small and medium-sized
        businesses but are a source of information,   At The Link you can source
        guidance, and the most powerful connector   HR solutions, legal forms and
        there is.                                information, access grant writing,
        We have now taken that connection to a new   and discover business services of all
                                                 types that can help you streamline,
        level thanks to ‘The Link’, a place where YOU,   or even eliminate operational costs,
        an SME business owner/manager can source   and yes, of course, we also have
        solutions in a one-stop shop atmosphere. For   direct access to financial resources
        the last five or six months, our Chamber has
        undertaken this huge project (for us). To say   only for business. Got an issue? Stop
                                                 by The Link and you’ll leave with an
        we’re excited is a dramatic understatement   answer to your problem.
        because for you, we’ve invested and created
        an exciting, inspirational space that will   Another aspect of this renovation
        not only knock your socks off but provide   project is the creation of additional
        a place where you can share your troubles   meeting spaces. We can now offer   "The Chamber will create
        and find connections to help you navigate   two boardrooms, one that can seat   the necessary momentum
        those issues that sometimes surface for   more than 20 and the other between
        every business.                          eight and 10, plus a more informal   to nurture and champion
                                                 meeting space for five and also a
                                                 private soundproof meeting “pod”  success by bringing together
                                                 for up to five people. As well, we   the elements – on all sides
                                                 have casual conversation areas and
                                                 provide a wonderful coffee service.   of an issue – to successfully
                                                 The Link is modern, accessible, and   cultivate all that is good,
                                                 a great place to have a coffee and
                                                 share conversation all contained     and can be good, in our
                                                 in little over 2,220-square-feet of         community."
                                                 prime real estate at Highway 401 and
                                                 Hespeler Road.

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