Page 7 - INSIGHT MAGAZINE - NoBleed_Neat
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Along with this incredibly cool and unique space comes some   Speaking of membership, did you know the Cambridge Chamber
       unbeatable  programming  to  help  you  and  your  team  get   of Commerce has NOT increased its membership fees in more
       onside,  get ramped  up, and get  excited for  what comes next.   than 25 years? Talk about an inflation stopper, wow! That is what
       Programming at The Link  is being created  and space is very   serving business means to us.
       limited, so you need to get in early and make sure there is a seat   We will always find ways to support you and now we are looking
       for you. Our Program Manager, Amrita Gill, is already developing   for your support to continue the work we do. So please share
       new and different ways for us to connect with meaning, passion,   your expertise with us and book a pod at The Link or come in
       and as always, with inspiring ideas.                     and get help from organizations and businesses that are here for
                                                                you. Even better, drop in and enjoy a coffee, latte, cappuccino,
                                                                espresso, or my personal favourite, a Mochaccino. Hey, I might
                                                                even buy you one. See you soon at The Link, 750 Hespeler Rd.,
                                                                the Cambridge Chamber of Commerce.

                                                                                                         Greg Durocher
                                                                                                        President & CEO
                                                                                        Cambridge Chamber of Commerce

       The doors opened Oct. 1 and we already have some committed
       entities setting up shop at The Link, but there may still be room
       for you and your organization. Do you serve only small and
       medium-sized business? If so, send me a note and maybe, if all
       the checkmarks are in place, we may just have a spot for you at
       The Link, but you need to hurry. Yes, there is a cost because we
       are not a “funded” organization and our support comes from our


        Small business operators driven to succeed             These profiles reflect that courage as our participants share
        Small businesses continue to be the backbone of our    their stories of how they came to be where they are today.
                                                               While some started out in business at a very young age and
        economy. According to Statistics Canada, in 2022 businesses   others decided to suddenly take different career paths, all
        with less than 100 employees provided employment for 10.7   have no regrets and have found great satisfaction – even
        million – nearly 63% of all employees in Canada – compared   during times of uncertainty.
        to the 21% of businesses with 100 to 500 employees. In
        Cambridge alone, small businesses with less than 10    Thank you, Mano and Baldeep, Rocco, Brian, Michelle, Frank,
        employees employ about 70% of the labour force.        and Vanessa for sharing your inspiring journeys.
        Numbers like these clearly show the importance small  About the cover:
        businesses bring to all communities, which is why we thought                       Vanessa Stevenson, General
        it was only fitting to celebrate the achievements of a few                         Manager of Homewood
        Chamber Members in recognition of Small Business Month in                          Suites by Hilton Cambridge/
        this edition of Insight.                                                           Waterloo, graces our Insight
        Although the businesses they operate may be vastly different,                      cover after the hotel was
        they all share the same drive to succeed, which is very                            selected during a draw at
        representative  of  the  entrepreneurial  spirit  that  continues                  our Business Expo 2023 in
        to thrive in our community. They also have all taken a certain                     May at Bingemans.
        amount of risk, even when doubted by others, and weren’t
        afraid to take that ‘leap of faith’ which is something most
        small business operators are more than familiar with.  The  promotion  called  for  Expo  participants  to  enter  their
        It takes a certain amount of courage to take that leap, but   name in hopes of having their photo and business profiled
                                                               in our fall edition. Congratulations to Vanessa and her
        thanks to them our community is a more vibrant place where   dedicated team.
        residents can truly prosper.                                                                          Fall 2023   7
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