Page 39 - INSIGHT MAGAZINE_October 2024
P. 39
But I’ve done this more than half my life
and I’m the kind of guy that has to have
a reason to get out of the bed every day.
I have to feel like I’m contributing and
accomplishing something. It’s just the
way I’m built, like a lot of entrepreneurs.”
Mike has often held two or three jobs
throughout his life, even working full time
doing contract cleaning while still in high
school and kept a buffer in the trunk of
his car so he could polish floors at banks
and small stores during his breaks. As a
result, he understands the importance of
having a strong work ethic.
Located at the site of the former Sunset This has led to success at Valet Car Wash “I think one of the things people
Drive-In, which closed in 1986 after 38 – now employing approximately 25 at its underestimate is the sacrifices that you
years in operation, and encompassing Cambridge location and one of 11 sites have to make as a business owner,” he
20,000 square feet, Valet Car Wash was the - which like many businesses continues says. “You’ve got to be prepared to make
largest car wash facility in Canada when it to work hard in wake of the pandemic those sacrifices; those long hours and
opened. Described in a local newspaper as consumers dealing with economic sometimes not getting paid and all the
article at the time as Mike’s ‘dream car pressures look for ways to save money. bureaucracy you have to put up with.” But
wash’, the business offered a wide range It’s a trend that has not gone unnoticed he admits luck also can play a big role in
of services and prices using the latest by Mike and his team. whether a business owner succeeds or
technology which has continually been “Consumers now are very value conscious not.
adapted thanks to new advancements. and a lot more educated,” he says, adding “Anybody that’s been in business a long
“We only charge $2.50 more a car the impact of social media has been time and has been successful and says
wash compared to when we first another major trend and one Valet Car luck didn’t play a part of it is lying. There’s
opened 34 years ago and that’s Wash has embraced to help educate the always an element of luck, along with
hard work and long hours.”
public about the business and industry.
only possible because we’ve been
able to leverage new technology,” “I think consumers don’t understand In terms of the future, Mike wants Valet
how complex a car wash is and the costs
Car Wash to continue to be a leader in its
says Mike, noting the difficulty involved in with all the components and industry and grow its brand.
in finding labour over the years how fragile they really are,” says Mike, “I don’t have any family succession plans,”
while expressing his frustration explaining how at least $2 million worth he admits. “But we’ll probably grow more
with government red tape. “I think of equipment would be needed to build through franchising then we will through
government bureaucracy and a car wash today. “And on another note, more corporately owned sites.”
red tape just strangles creativity the average consumer doesn’t realize For more on Valet Car Wash, visit
how environmentally friendly car washes
and depresses success and the are. We use less water than a washing or call 519-650-2492.
willingness to take chances.” machine to do your clothes. We use a very
However, being creative has been a top small amount of water, and we pressurize
priority at Valet Car Wash in Cambridge it.”
and the implementation of its Standards He says Valet Car Wash sees the
of Excellence initiative is a prime example discharge of solids, sand and dirt that
of why it won the Outstanding Workplace comes off vehicles hauled away by
- Employer of the Year Award at our 2024 an environmental company with the
Business Excellence Awards in May. remaining water, roughly 95%, returned to
This company-wide plan calls for the city’s sanitary system to be cleaned
employees to deliver exceptional and returned into our waterways.
customer service, and prioritizing hiring “We’re kind of like in a big loop,” says
based on personality traits, character, and Mike, who has continued to work hard
values which has created a supportive over the years to build the business and
and welcoming workplace, one that has no immediate plans to retire despite
celebrates its diverse workforce, valuing dealing with the impact of the pandemic.
the opportunity to learn from each other's “When COVID hit, and I’ve talked to a lot
strengths and cultural perspectives. of business owners who are kind of on the
same page, it just knocked the wind out
of our sails. Fall 2024 39