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Highlights from the Eastern Region
4th Quarter 2017
Virginia Spine
The Virginia Spine project, located in Ashburn, Virginia, joins the
growing portfolio in the Eastern Region for Healthcare projects. While
Division 31 has executed several laboratory and health care projects,
including the Kaiser Permenente Office Building of Harford County,
Virginia Spine was a milestone for Division 30 as it was one of the largest
projects they have completed in the healthcare industry in the D.C.
Metropolitan Area.
Although this project was a relatively new industry-type for the
project team, they faced challenges inherent to any construction project.
After experiencing schedule delays due to asbestos abatement and
inspection dates being pushed due to scheduling conflicts, the team only
had 4 months, from March to June, to execute this 31,000 square foot
facility build out.
The compressed schedule demanded a well-planned execution which
was largely achieved through prefabrication applications. Prefabricated
back boxes on kick plates were utilized for wall devices, allowing for
quick placement and reduced installation time. Meanwhile, the complex
lighting package presented an opportunity to implement time-saving
prefabrication techniques. The team used prefabricated fixture whips
for rapid installation. Overall, an estimated 25% of the project was
prefabricated material.
Specialty equipment, such as X-ray machines required a custom
trough and close coordination with the X-ray provider for a smooth
and successful integration. All team members agree that constant
communication was key to closing out the project on time.
“There was a lot of collaboration across the Rosendin Team to get
this one completed,” said Project Manager, Allen Barnes. “From top to
Bottom, not only did the field step up, but the Rosendin team as a whole
stepped up to overcome a daunting schedule, deal with construction and
inspection obstacles, meet the manpower needs, and complete a difficult
project to the satisfaction of the facility and the end user.”
With sights set on continuing healthcare work and all three Divisions
pursuing and winning healthcare facility projects, Rosendin is excited
to expand our horizons and continue to push the limits of what we can
Virginia Spine .................................................................................................................1
Craziest Work Stories ..................................................................................................2
Recent Awards ...............................................................................................................3
Milestones ........................................................................................................................4
Employee Spotlight ......................................................................................................5
Prefabrication .................................................................................................................6
Summer Photos .............................................................................................................7