Page 6 - Rosendin-Electric-TheEasternBranch-Q4-17
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These are examples of prefabricated panels being built This is from the Raging Wire project in VA. These are
in Charlotte, NC. The panels are assembled with interiors roof top units where all of the rigid conduit and flex were
installed, conduit to a wireway. All branch wire is extended prefabricated. There was a lot of value in prefabricating
from the breakers to the wireway above and landed on these due to the number of typical units on the roof and
terminal strips. All of this enables us to not have to get the time saved of not having to cut and thread all of the
into the panels in the field. rigid conduit on-site.
These are prefabricated disconnects at the Point Street
project in Baltimore, MD. The disconnects are mounted on
plates and then prewired to the junction box. All of these
disconnects were installed in just over a day. The design
was by Mike Berman, the GF for the project and built by
Derek Colbert in the VA prefab shop. 6 6