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What’s your CONGRATULATIONS! Safety
Craziest the continuous effort towards Corner
to the Digital Realty team for
work story? keeping the jobsite safe and Digital Realty Safety
maintaing 0 incidents. They
celebrated on October 6th with a
safety appreciation lunch. Appreciation Lunch
“I had a flaming set of dump truck tires bounce out in
front of me on the highway one night on my way in to
work an outage. I was in the fast lane and the dump truck
that lost the wheels was three lanes over in the right
lane. The tires were airborne at one point, but I was lucky
enough to hit them while they were at bumper height. It
blew 3 out of 4 airbags in my brand new truck that didn’t
even have 2,000 miles on it yet. There were no injuries
resulting from the incident, but I still don’t have my truck
back from the shop. Here is a photo of me next to the
dual tire assembly on the side of the highway. Definitely
one of the craziest/scariest/luckiest things I’ve had hap-
pen at work.” - John Knauer - DIV31
“My truck was hit by a drifting truck while being serviced
at Jiffy Lube. I turned around and saw the other truck
drifting into the service bay, driver less, toward the rear of
my truck. The service tech had the left rear tire removed
from my truck. As the truck drifted into the service bay,
a young Jiffy Lube tech entered the drifting truck in an
attempt to stop it. Unfortunately for all parties, the tech
pressed the accelerator and not the brake. The drifting
“I was working on a panel outside of an ape cage while truck now became a huge missile that crashed into the
doing service work for the National Zoo. I had my back to back of my truck. This is also a cautionary tale as the
the cage and felt like I was being watched. When I turned Good Samaritan nearly killed his colleague who was at
around, Ms. Lucy (pictured below) was staring at me. She the left rear tire of my truck.” - Joel Hileman - DIV30
ran away and I continued working. A few moments later,
I heard her come back towards me and when I turned
around, she spit a whole mouthful of water into my face.
She had ran to her little pond to gulp up some water to
spit on me while I had my back turned to her. Several oth-
er guys working in the Ape House had it happen to them
too.” - Alvin Headspeth - DIV30
Thank you to everyone who sent in submissions for the craziest work story contest! It was a three way
tie between John Knauer, Alvin Headspeth, and Joel Hileman. Congratulations! 2