Page 7 - Rosendin-Electric-TheEasternBranch-Q4-17
P. 7

Fred Barrett (DIV30)
   Chris Goodgion (Div 30) and daughter                            Mark Jeffers (DIV30) and family on   enjoying the sunset at the
   at the beach in North Carolina.                                 vacation.                       Outer Banks.
                                    Jason Honeycutt (Div 33) and family
                                    out and about in their hometown.

   Robert Stephen’s (DIV30) children
                                                                                              Jordan Barkus (Div 30) and her
   playing in a stream.                                            Keith Ellison (DIV30) and his   boyfriend in Cape May, New
                                                                   wife boating.              Jersey.

                                    Laura and Chris Alloway’s (Division
                                    30) sons playing outside.

                                                                                                    Sadye Johns-Lynch’s (Div
                                                                                                    30) daughter sporting her
   John Knauer (DIV31) with his family
                                                                                                    new Bob Ross hairdo.
   on the train at the zoo in DC.                                   Charles Holland’s (DIV30) children
                                                                    enjoying dinner.

                                    Alyssa Martin (Div 30) and niece out
                                    to dinner in Annapolis.
   Randy Merry (DIV30) hiking with son.

                                    Gina Avramidis (DIV31) and her
   Brian Brobst’s (DIV30) sons on   husband enjoying dinner in      Randy Merry’s (DIV30) baby wearing   Lance Cross’ (DIV30) son
   vacation.                        Baltimore.                      some Rosendin gear.             wearing Rosendin PPE.
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