Page 130 - Ready for C2 Student's Book
P. 130

04.09.2024, 22:12                        Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation

                                                                                        HUMAN IMPACT
               THE WAY                     The negative effects on the environment brought about by overpopulation are
                                           extremely concerning and should be addressed immediately through a variety of
                                           strategies and innovations. These texts present contrasting solutions, one from a
               FORWARD                     business perspective, and the other based on government intervention.
                                           The first text highlights the potential for business solutions to combat the impact
                                           of humans on the environment by describing a more sustainable economic model.
               IS TOGETHER                 The text states that the responsibility lies firmly with companies in high-income
                                           countries insofar as they have the financial resources to explore new approaches.
                                           To some extent, high-income countries are no more suited to solving complex
                                           problems such as overpopulation than lower income countries in my view as
                                           innovation has no geographical limits. Notwithstanding this, these countries do
                                           have larger funds to invest, which means that they could research techniques and
                                           approaches to rectify the current situation more effectively.
                                           The second text argues that governments should be responsible for addressing the
                                           issue of overpopulation firstly by encouraging certain behaviour amongst individuals
                                           and thereafter through legislation. Although painfully slow to react at times, I believe
                                                                 governments have the advantage of being able to
                                                                   implement new laws which can encourage people
                                                                     to adopt better lifestyle choices. It is true that
                                                                         science is also in a position to contribute
                                                                          innovative solutions to worldwide problems.
                                                                          However, many successful conservation
                                                                          ideas have originated from scientists or
                                                                          university departments collaborating with
                                                                          governments and businesses rather than
                                                                           working in isolation.
                                                                           In conclusion, collaboration between
                                                                           people and organisations everywhere is
                                                                           highly likely to be the most effective way
                                                                           forward. Creative ideas, legislation and
                                                                           sufficient funding are what is required
                                                                          to address overpopulation and reduce its
                                                                          negative impacts.          

               6   Look at the problem-solving verbs in the box. Underline two verbs that means reduce
                 and one verb that means defeat .
                  address   alleviate   combat   compound   deal with   exacerbate
                  face   minimise   overcome   rectify   remedy   tackle

               7   Match the verbs in the box in Exercise 6 to the correct function.
                 1   Solve a problem:
                 2   Make a problem worse:
                 3   Make a problem less serious:
                 4   Manage / respond to a problem:

               8   Choose the correct verb to complete the sentences.
                   One idea which could minimise / compound  habitat loss in forests is to plant more
                   fire-resistant trees.
                 2   Contrary to popular belief, organic farming is not always the best way to combat /
                   face soil erosion.
                 3   Each year vast regions of the world remedy  / deal with the consequences caused
                   by drought.
                 4   Urban expansion is  exacerbating / tackling air pollution in cities across the country.
                   The World Wildlife Fund has the unenviable task of deciding which issues to
                   alleviate  / address  with their limited funds.
               9   Now write your essay. Use some expressions to talk about problems, and if possible,
                 some language of comparison.
                 Write your answer in 240–280 words.

                 For more information on writing essays, see page 190.
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