Page 133 - Ready for C2 Student's Book
P. 133
04.09.2024, 22:13 Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation
Idioms Noticing similarities and differences
1 S P E A K Work in pairs. Use the contexts in texts A and B to help you work out the
meanings of the idioms in bold. Do the idioms have similar or different meanings?
All these corporate promises to put the environment at the heart of
what they do ring hollow to me. I mean there’s little evidence to prove
they’re taking action.
Posted 5mins ago
A b o u t E n g l i s h
I recently read a press release from an oil company, and I’m inclined
to believe that they’re committed to change. The tone of it just rang
The internet is full
of stories about the true to me.
origin of idioms which
Posted 16mins ago
sound believable but
aren’t true. Pinning
down their origins
is notoriously hard
since they evolved at
a specific point in time
… and the trial concluded yesterday. The judge ruled that the factory
and reflect that culture
was not guilty of leaking dangerous levels of toxic chemicals into the
and society. This is
water table. A spokesperson for the company said they were delighted
also why they often
don’t translate across
to be in the clear. This ruling is likely to be met with disapproval from
languages or even
environmental groups campaigning to have the company called to
cultures with a shared
account, and with several other charges pending, the company is not
out of the woods yet. Campaigners said they intend to …
What idioms from
your language don’t
translate well?
2 S P E A K Work in pairs. Discuss the meanings of the following pairs of idioms. Do they
have similar or different meanings? What clues in the sentences helped you decide?
D i s c u s s i n g i d i o m s
1 A When I realised what was about to happen in the horror film, my blood ran cold.
Discuss the differences
B It makes my blood boil just knowing that the council could easily improve air
in meaning between
quality by reducing vehicle access to the town centre, yet they choose not to take
these idioms:
the opportunity.
• rock the boat /
It’s imperative that no one says anything to rock the boat at this delicate stage in
2 A
upset the apple cart
the negotiations. We want this deal wrapped up as soon as possible.
• be in a tight spot /
B Laura’s been making waves with her comments about the lack of resources
be a tight squeeze
and budget on this project, but I don’t know whether her views carry any
• make your blood
serious weight.
boil / get your
3 A Either we have to make a few of the team redundant or ask everyone to take a
back up
salary cut. We’re stuck between a rock and a hard place on this.
B Louis helped me when I was in a tight spot financially a while back, so if ever he
gets into any trouble himself I’ll be here to bail him out.
4 A Throwing litter on hiking trails is out of line when plenty of bins and recycling
points are provided and clearly signposted at various stages.
What started out as a civil discussion about graffiti in the community soon got
out of hand as emotions rose and accusations of blame were thrown around.
3 Work in pairs. Write definitions for the idioms in Exercise 2. Check your answers in the
Additional materials on page 197.
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