Page 143 - Ready for C2 Student's Book
P. 143

04.09.2024, 22:15                        Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation

                   BY DESIGN


                                      Writing    Part 2 Review

                                      1   S P E A K   Work in pairs and answer the questions.
                                        1   Would you like to go to any of the exhibitions in the photos? Why? / Why not?
                                          Why might an exhibition curator choose these formats?
                                        3   What are the intended effects of these types of exhibitions?
                                          Have you ever been to an exhibition that had a profound effect on you? What would
                                          you say to convince someone else that it was worth seeing?
                                        5   Have you ever been to an exhibition that you didn’t enjoy? What was unpleasant or
                                          disappointing about it?
                                      2   Read the Writing Part 2 task and the model answer on page 137. What is the purpose
                                        of each paragraph? Which parts of the answer cover the points in the task?

                                           A local magazine is posting a series of reviews of art exhibitions that readers
                                           have visited recently. You decide to send in a review in which you describe
                                           an exhibition and evaluate the layout, installations, and overall experience.

                                      3   Underline the different tenses used in each paragraph. Why are these tenses used?

                                      4   Look at the underlined phrases in paragraph 1. Are they usually followed by
                                        information or opinions that are more neutral in tone or more extreme?
                                       U s e f u l   l a n g u a g e

                                       Persuasive vocabulary
                                       Reviews use extreme vocabulary to persuade the reader to engage with or avoid
                                       1   Look at the bold words in the model answer which are neutral and replace them with
                                         the persuasive words below.
                                         dazzling   enthusiasts   exploded   exquisitely   meticulously   mighty
                                         poignant   powerful    radiating   renowned   triumph   turbulent
                                         Work in pairs. Which one word in Exercise 1 is negative? Can you think of opposites
                                         for the words above?
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