Page 139 - Ready for C2 Student's Book
P. 139
04.09.2024, 22:14 Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation
Vocabulary Describing art and architecture
1 S P E A K Work in pairs and discuss which of the words in groups 1–3 have a different
meaning from the other two.
1 ostentatious / flamboyant / renowned
understated / vulgar / minimalistic
3 swanky / unassuming / utilitarian
2 For 1–12, choose the correct alternative to complete the text.
d i f f e r e n t s t r o k e s f o r d i f f e r e n t f o l k s
Interior design for the average person has come on Not everyone is into this however, and for the more
leaps and bounds since the advent of home makeover (7) flamboyant / imposing / utilitarian amongst us, when
TV shows back in the 1970s, and one thing that these it comes to curtains, cushions, rugs and ornaments,
shows have made crystal clear is the distinctive nature the more (8) unassuming / utilitarian / whimsical
the approach, the better. These people enjoy being
of taste. After all, as the saying goes, beauty is in the eye
of the beholder and this is definitely the case when it surrounded by items that will stand out and take
comes to how we decorate our homes. centre stage. They are likely to choose (9) imposing /
Some people believe interior design should have minimalistic / unassuming, eye-catching colours for
a (1) garish / utilitarian / whimsical look and feel, the walls to create a bold contrast with those of the
considering embellishments, such as cushions to furnishings.
be unnecessary as they detract from purpose and Then, there are those who love an eclectic, vintage
function. These people tend to splash out on a few look. These people are often to be found at flea markets
timeless pieces of furniture from (2) renowned / looking for items to collect that reflect the motifs
vulgar / unassuming designers or shops, rather than and styles of bygone eras, from wallpaper and colour
have lots of bits and pieces at a lower price point. schemes to furniture and accessories. Take the 1980s,
They would choose (3) imposing / understated / vulgar for instance, when bright, (10) garish / minimalistic /
elegance over anything that could be considered swanky colours were all the rage. While this style may
(4) minimalistic / ostentatious / utilitarian or showy. still be loved by fans of vintage, others consider it
This (5) flamboyant / minimalistic / renowned to be (11) renowned / vulgar / understated and a sign
approach is synonymous with contemporary design. of poor taste.
Replete with sleek fixtures and fittings, many At the end of the day, whatever your style preference,
(6) garish / imposing / swanky modern offices have be it the wild and the wacky or something altogether
adopted this look in order to denote a level of success, more muted and (12) garish / renowned / unassuming,
sophistication and quality. the best advice is probably to embrace it and enjoy it.
3 Complete the definitions with adjectives from Exercises 1 and 2. Some have more
than one possibility.
An eyesore is something you think is
2 Something playful or fun is
3 If you are in awe of something, it is
4 Something that doesn’t stand out is
5 If something is famous, it is
6 Two adjectives to describe artistic or architectural styles are
If something is designed to attract a lot of attention, it is
4 S P E A K Work in pairs. Describe the objects and buildings in the photos below using
the words from Exercise 2.
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