Page 156 - Ready for C2 Student's Book
P. 156

04.09.2024, 22:49                        Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation


               Speaking      Part 3 Long turn
               1   S P E A K  Work in pairs. Discuss the questions below.
                   Who do you consider to be the greatest author ever to have lived that wrote in
                   your language?
                 2   Who do you think is responsible for ensuring that children have good standards
                   of literacy?
               2   10.4 Work in pairs. Listen to the conversation and complete the sentences with one
                 word. Then check your answers in the Audioscript  on page 240 .

                STEFAN:  (1) As I      it, reading is the most valuable
                skill we can give our children. It’s fundamental to getting on
                in life and I’m a firm  (2)   in parents taking every
                opportunity they can  to read  with their kids.
                CARLA:  Well, I’m not sure that forcing children to read more
                than  they wan t to is par ticular ly beneficial .
                STEFAN: Um, sorry. What I  (3)    to say was
                par ents should read  with their children often, but in a way
                that generates a love for it.
                CARLA:  Ah, okay I see what you mean. You know it doesn’t
                always follow that children who read a lot continue to do
                so as  ad ults. Read ing can  become more or less attractive at
                different times in our lives.
                STEFAN: Hmm. Now you   (4)       it, maybe it
                depends on the child and their circumstances. As you say,
                we all change our interests, even as young children and

                U s e f u l   l a n g u a g e                                                        
                Expressing and clarifying your opinion
                When discussing with your partner, you may need to rephrase or clarify what you have
                said, or even to change your opinion on something as the discussion progresses.
                  Complete the phrases with the words in the box.
                   come   mind   perspective   put   reflection   thoughts   way   words
                  A   On second            E   Let me put that another
                  B   In other             F   To my
                    From my                            to think of it
                  C                        G
                  D   On                   H   To         it differently
                2   Put the phrases in the table below.
                   Expressing your opinion   Rephrasing your opinion   Changing your mind

                  Add the four phrases from Exercise 2 to the table.
                4   Which two phrases for changing your mind are more informal than the others?

               3   S P E A K  Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
                   Why do some works of literature stand the test of time and others date quickly?
                 2   What are the pros and cons of literary and film awards?
                 3   In a world where films and TV series are readily available to stream, it is argued that
                   more traditional arts, such as theatre and literature have taken a back seat. To what
                   extent do you agree with this?
               4   Go to the Additional materials on page 198 for further practice with discussion
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