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04.09.2024, 22:05                        Ready for C2 Proficiency Student's Book Classroom Presentation

                   HIGHS AND LOWS

                                      Writing    Part 1 Essay

                                      1   S P E A K   Work in pairs and discuss the questions.
                                        1   What are the most important factors for companies to consider in order to ensure
                D o n ’ t   f o r g e t !
                                          good working environments?
                                        2   How do you think people can best achieve a work-life balance?
                You should paraphrase
                the key points from       What are the benefits of contented employees to wider society?
                the text in your
                                        4   In what ways can employees be involved in improving their workplaces?
                essay. One way to
                                          What role should governments play in improving working conditions?
                do this is to convert
                                          What are the most effective ways to sustain employee motivation?
                positive verbs and
                structures to negative.
                                      2   Read the Writing Part 1 texts below. Make notes on the main ideas in each text.
                Additionally, including
                                        Write an essay summarising and evaluating the key points from each text.
                noun phrases and
                nominalisation can      Use your own words throughout as far as possible and include your own ideas in
                help achieve a more     your answers.
                formal tone.                                                                         
                                        Write your answer in 240–280  words.
               MEANINGFUL  WORK  MAKES                            It’s not about the money …
               MOTIVATED WORKERS                                                          until it is
                Contrary to popular belief, financial compensation is not the
                                                                    A 2010 study in the USA showed that earnings
                be all and end all when it comes to employee satisfaction.
                                                                    in excess of $75,000 make little difference to
                Countless studies have drawn out the complex nature of
                                                                    happiness, but while this might be thought-
                human beings’ relationship with their work. Topping the list
                                                                    provoking in some ways, we shouldn’t ignore
                in employee surveys with increasing regularity is how work
                                                                    the vast swathes of people who take home
                is connected to an individual’s perception of their identity,
                                                                    nowhere near this figure, suggesting that
                something which is nebulous and personal, not like the
                                                                    actually it is all about the money for them.
                clarity of a salary. Employees cite feeling appreciated by
                                                                    Many of the hardships faced by those working
                senior management for specific character traits and being
                                                                    in retail or manual jobs could be avoided by a
                allocated demanding work as key factors to workplace
                                                                    modest salary hike and not, as much research
                satisfaction. Unfortunately for employers, individuals are
                                                                    would have us believe, by unnecessary lifestyle
                highly unlikely to interpret these key indicators in the same
                                                                    benefits or a pat on the back from management.
                way, meaning there is much more to understanding them
                than meets the eye.

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