Page 8 - Momentum by Cassandra S. Shaw, Ph.D., CPC.
P. 8

measured how far someone actually made it on their path to achieving their goals before


                    While 75% made it through the first week, why isn’t it 100%? This means 25% of people
               dropped out before their first week was over. And how many actually achieved their goals? 8%.

               In reflecting on achieving your goals, where in the process do you usually stop working towards
               your goals? How far in? What happens to stop your momentum?

                    We can’t leave without an activity. After all, momentum is about putting the plan into

               action, being active, and gaining momentum.

                       •  Write down your goal so it’s not only clear but also quite vivid.
                       •  Revisit your action plan to ensure it is concrete.

                       •  Identify one thing you can do today to take the first step towards momentum.

                       •  Set a start date to put your plan into action.

                     Wanderlust Worker, “The Harvard MBA Business School Study on Goal Setting,” Wanderlust Worker,
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