Page 3 - Welless4Life_Chapter by Cassandra S. Shaw, Ph.D., CPC
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alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. You go to the doctor for regular visits. You build strength and
flexibility. Benefits you may experience include:
• A decrease in your stress.
• A decrease in your risk of disease.
• An increase in your energy.
Physical wellness means you have sharper thinking and learning abilities. When your
physical wellness is in balance, it leads to psychological benefits, such as high self-esteem, good
self-control, and a sense of direction.
4. Emotional
Emotional wellness is not frou-frou. We all have emotions. Some are better at controlling
emotions than others. Pay attention to both the good and bad feelings. This is self-awareness of
your own emotions and well-being. It encourages better decision-making skills as well.
Ever wake up on the wrong side of the bed and you don’t know why? How long did this bad
mood carry into your day? How did it affect your life, your decisions, and your relationships?
How you feel affects your day. When you have emotional wellness, you likely:
• Are comfortable with who you are.
• Are adaptable and resilient.
• Have positive relationships with the people in your life.
• Have a sense of purpose.
• Take care of your physical health.
• Are comfortable saying no.
• Make time to relax.
• Practice self-care.
5. Spiritual
Spiritual wellness means you connect to something greater than yourself. You have a set of
values, principles, morals, and beliefs which provide a sense of purpose and meaning to life. You
use those principles to guide your actions. It can be through religious faith, values, ethics, and
3 National Institutes of Health: Physical Wellness Toolkit (n.d.).