Page 6 - Welless4Life_Chapter by Cassandra S. Shaw, Ph.D., CPC
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While 75% made it through the first week, why is it not 100%? This means 25% of people
dropped out before their first week was over. And how many achieved their goals? 8%. When
you think about goals you've made in the past, when do you usually stop working towards those
goals? How far in?
Knock It Out in A 4-Week Challenge
Challenge yourself to improve your wellness over the next 4 weeks. Remember the six
dimensions: Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Spiritual, Social, and Career. Be the 8% achieving
their goals.
Avoid too many areas to work on at the same time. Multitasking affects your brain and not in
a good way. Neuroscience has found when your brain focuses on more than one thing at a time,
it cannot fully give its attention to each one thing. This will fractionate your concentration,
deplete your neural resources, and tire you out. You become a statistic of someone not finishing.
Week 1: Evaluate your current lifestyle.
• Are you meeting your wellness priorities? How so? How not?
• What’s important to you when it comes to your wellness?
• Take pictures of yourself to compare to the new you in the future.
• Have your medical documents/lab work stored so you can compare a year from now.