Page 2 - NRCC Cycle Review Final
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The 2020 election proved House Republicans have the blueprint we need to take back the majority.
Throughout the cycle we focused on recruiting great candidates, crafting a winning message that resonated with voters and raising resources to deliver that message.
2020 was a case study in resiliency. No one gave us a shot.
One week before Election Day, the pundits predicted we’d lose double-digit seats.
Obviously, they were wrong, and I want to thank every one of our campaigns, donors and members for blocking out the noise and running through the finish line.
The results speak for themselves. We flipped 15 seats and left Democrats with their slimmest majority in decades.
I am thrilled to have the opportunity to finish the job this cycle.
We have work to do, but House Republicans, our leadership team and the NRCC are up to the task.
Let’s finish what we started and TAKE BACK THE HOUSE.
-T. Emmer

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