Page 12 - Transportation Infrastructure 2019
P. 12
Commitment to
Bechtel, known for global construction projects, Green Construction
employs sustainability in its business strategy. The
company has opened the Bechtel Mining & Metals “The idea that
Innovation Center in Chile. It’s one of Bechtel’s most sustainability costs
recent efforts to lessen the environmental impact of more is an outdated
construction. Through the center, the firm aims to notion. Many business
promote environmental sustainability in mining projects. owners are fully aware
The initiative will also develop technological innovations
that can decrease water and power consumption. Since that going green will
1898, the company has completed more than 25,000 benefit them in the long
projects across 160 countries. run. Firms who don’t
consider the
Sweden-based firm Skanska has been aggressive in environmental impact of
addressing the environmental impact of construction. construction will face
The multinational construction and development the consequences
company commits to being carbon-neutral by 2050. In
addition, all of Skanska’s commercial buildings aim for a sooner or later.”
minimum LEED Gold certification. Notable projects
include the World Trade Center Transportation Hub, Because of the abundance
MetLife Stadium and the Mater Dei Hospital, among of technological
others. advancements, the
construction sector has a
Vinci, a 115-year-old construction giant from France, vast potential for
also prioritizes sustainability. It is clear that the company improving efficiency.
is committed to reducing the environmental impact of Businesses in the industry
construction. The UN Global Compact guides the must continue to explore
group’s sustainable development policy. The company how to maximize such
also conducts greenhouse gas audits. It defines action advancements. Doing so
plans to reduce emissions. In 2017, Vinci’s electronic toll will not only lessen the
lanes lowered carbon emissions by 71,390 metric tons. environmental impact of
That same year, Vinci confirmed its leadership position construction projects, but
in France regarding climate strategy. The firm operates it can also boost profits. It
in more than 100 countries worldwide. can also strengthen a
company’s image as a
champion of