Page 7 - Transportation Infrastructure 2019
P. 7
Sustainable Transportation
Here are some companies that are making strides in green
transport development:
• Neste is an oil refining and marketing company from
Finland. The company is the world’s largest producer of Transforming
renewable diesel refined from waste and residue. They Transport
also provide sustainable transport solutions to the Development through
aviation and plastics industries. Neste is on the Global Investments
100 list of the most sustainable companies in the world
for 2018.
• LanzaTech is a biotech startup that turns carbon “Funding plays an
emissions into ethanol. When blended with gasoline, it important role in
reduces the amount of fuel used by cars. The company sustainable transport
partnered with Virgin Atlantic to produce jet fuel made development. Former
from carbon waste. U.N. Secretary-General
• Workhorse is a technology company that designs Ban Ki-moon
battery-electric vehicles. These include trucks, aircraft, underscored, “It takes
and drones. Workhorse contributes to making the
shipping industry greener through sustainable investments to see
transport solutions. Monitoring systems enable fleet results. That means
operators to optimize energy and route efficiency. This mobilizing funds from a
case means their delivery vehicles are less harmful to variety of sources.
the environment. Public-private
• CGONis a British manufacturer that focuses on partnerships are
hydrogen additive technology. It can slash engine indispensable.” The
emissions by as much as 80 percent. The additive can
work on any fossil fuel as well. Examples are petrol, continued support of
diesel, and LPG. In line with other sustainable transport stakeholders and
solutions, units are also 100 percent recyclable. investors in the
• EasyMile is a French firm that specializes in transport industry is
autonomous vehicles. The company provides truly a must.”
sustainable transportation solutions through driverless
bus technology. The shuttles aim to improve road
safety. Algorithms also allow increased fuel efficiency.
EasyMile’s buses already transport passengers in cities
across Europe and North America.