Page 5 - Transportation Infrastructure 2019
P. 5

The Global Impact of the Transport


       Transportation is fundamental to meeting the personal and
       economic needs of individuals. It allows access to services
       and facilities that contribute to healthy and fulfilled lives.              Taking Action for
       Examples of these are jobs, markets, and social interaction,
       among others. Transport development links people, connects                  Sustainable
       communities and facilitates trade. Thus, it has the power to                Transportation
       drive sustainable development. As a result, sustainable                     Infrastructure
       transport solutions are the center of various international

       discussions. Topics range from vehicle emissions to green                   Greener transport is a must to
       supply chain management practices.                                          achieve the Sustainable
                                                                                   Development Goals. An expert

       Despite the benefits of transport development, there are                    panel delivered a report to
                                                                                   former U.N. Secretary-
       also negative consequences. The industry is part of several                 General Ban Ki-moon about
       environmental, social and governance issues.                                this matter. Called ‘Mobilizing
                                                                                   Sustainable Transport for
                                                                                   Development‘, the report gave
      “23 percent of energy-related greenhouse gas                                 recommendations for
      emissions come from transportation. Road accidents                           sustainable transport
                                                                                   solutions. These include
      cause 1.24 million deaths every year. Traffic                                better planning, increased
      congestion is a burden on the economy of many                                funding, improved safety
      countries. It accounts for 0.7 percent of the GDP in the                     standards, and reduced
      United States. In Europe, it’s 2 percent. In some cities
      of emerging economies like Beijing, São Paulo and                            During the presentation of the

      Lima, it’s as high as 10 percent. It’s no wonder that                        report in 2016, former
      developing a sustainable transportation infrastructure                       Secretary-General  Ban Ki-
                                                                                   moon stated that sustainable
      has become a global priority.”                                               transport solutions can solve

                                                                                   global transportation issues.
                                                                                   “The answer to these
                                                                                   problems is not less
                                                                                   transport—it is sustainable
                                                                                   transport,” he noted, “We
                                                                                   need more systems that are
                                                                                   environmentally friendly,
                                                                                   affordable and accessible.”
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