Page 4 - Transportation Infrastructure 2019
P. 4

Sustainable                                         Awareness and action for sustainable
                                                           development have accelerated in recent
       Transport                                           years. Today, one of the most important

                                                           global initiatives is the compilation of
       Solutions —                                         Sustainable Development Goals.  Set by the

                                                           United Nations in 2015, these goals aim to
       Mobilizing The                                      protect the planet and improve the quality of
                                                           life worldwide.  Transportation is a major
       World’s                                             driving force in achieving these targets. Its
                                                           impact and influence spans across other
       Sustainability                                      objectives. These include health
                                                           improvement, pollution reduction, energy

       Goals                                               efficiency, and economic growth. The sector’s
                                                           role is substantial for implementing measures
                                                           for sustainable transportation infrastructure.
                                                           In fact, if these measures succeed, they can
                                                           deliver savings of up to $70 trillion by 2050.
                                                           Clearly, there is a tremendous need for
                                                           companies and organizations to implement
                                                           sustainable transport solutions.
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