Page 20 - Revista Empire Finanzas Inernacionales
P. 20
decided to withdraw and waiting to take their face-to-face classes again is for this reason
that many universities were forced to implement discounts for those students and family
members who were affected by money due to the contingency of the pandemic. Now,
more than ever, the country must invest in education. Today the educational system must
accompany teachers and must assist parents in a virtual way with sessions designed for
them, to help them cope with this circumstance. The educational process must be
contextualized in such a way that the resources and space at home are used.
The economic and employment situation in the households most affected by this health
crisis will also be transmitted to the academic performance, study capacity and
concentration of the children.
While solvent families have access to everything that is required for the virtual
school to operate, the less fortunate have little or no connectivity, share a phone or
computer, if they have one, do not have books, or manage to access resources.
educational. Additionally, their parents can hardly support them because they
generally have less training. In countries with equitable societies like Denmark,
Slovenia and Sweden, 95% of young people have a computer at home; in Mexico
94% of families of high socioeconomic status, and only 29% of those with low
resources. In Colombia, according to data from the 2018 Census (DANE), 50.8% of
households in the municipal capitals have a computer and only 9.4% of families in
populated centers and dispersed rural areas.
Daniela Tovar 03/08/2020
Sources Cited,
Segovia*, I. (2020, 1 julio). La Paradoja de Teseo: el impacto del Covid-19 en la educación. El Espectador.