Page 276 - SSB Interview: The Complete Guide, Second Edition
P. 276

Project as if all was well and you really enjoyed yourself.

                           Do not ask any questions during the conference.

                           Do not give suggestions to change the testing procedure, etc.

                           If asked for any suggestion to improve the administrative aspects,

                           do share any constructive ideas frankly and not in a manner as if
                           you are complaining.

                           Do not shake your leg while sitting. This is a sign of nervousness.

                           While  leaving,  wish  everyone  ‘good  day’,  walk  up  to  the  door,

                           push it open and leave the room.

                 5.  Once the conference procedure is over, you will be asked to go to your

                     room, pack your bags and get ready to leave. After lunch, all of you will
                     be gathered centrally, and chest numbers of successful candidates will

                     be  announced.  The  successful  candidates  will  have  to  stay  back  for

                     further documentation and medical examination, which normally takes 5
                     days.  Others  will  be  asked  to  board  the  waiting  bus  and  you  will  be

                     dropped at the railway station.

                 6.  Thus, the saga of selection in the armed forces will come to an end. But,

                     remember, it is possible that at times some deserving candidates are left
                     out.  Ask  yourself,  do  you  think  you  can  make  it  in  this?  If  your  gut

                     feeling says yes, give it another attempt with better preparation. My own

                     personal  research  work  has  proved  that  candidates  taking  a  second
                     attempt do very well and stand the highest chance of getting selected.

                     This  is  because  they  develop  familiarity  with  the  testing  procedure  in
                     their  first  attempt  and  in  the  second  attempt,  they  prepare  well  and

                     outperform  their  own  previous  attempt.  Thus,  they  stand  a  higher

                     chance. Secondly, since the selection procedure followed at the SSB is
                     very peculiar and unconventional, candidates hesitate to come out and

                     give their best. Thus, do not lose heart if you do not make it the first

                     time. I have even seen candidates passing in their 12  attempt. Hence,
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