Page 394 - SSB Interview: The Complete Guide, Second Edition
P. 394
Possibly conceived in 1860 by Commander AD Taylor of the Indian
Marines, the project has been reviewed many times over the years, but no
decision was ever made. It was part of the manifestos of all political parties
during elections. The Union Government of India appointed the
Sethusamudram Project Committee in 1955, headed by Dr A Ramasamy
Mudaliar, which was charged with the duty of examining the desirability of
the project. After evaluating the costs and benefits, this committee found the
project feasible and viable. However, it has strongly recommended land-
based passage instead of channel cutting through Ram’s Bridge due to several
advantages like shifting sandbanks, ability to prevent navigational hazards,
etc. Several reviews of the proposals followed. Finally, the United
Progressive Alliance Government of India headed by Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh announced the inauguration of the project on 2 July 2005.
Opposition parties are demanding implementation of the Sethusamudram
canal project using one of the five alternative alignments considered by the
Government earlier without damaging the Ram Sethu structure. The Indian
government has constituted nine committees before Independence and five
committees after Independence. Most of the committees have suggested a
land-based alignment across Rameswaram Island. None of them have
suggested alignment across Ram’s Bridge or Ram Sethu.
The strategic advantages to India derive from obtaining a navigable sea route
close to the coast, with a reduction in travel distance of more than 350
nautical miles (650km for larger ships). The project is expected to provide a
boost to the economic and industrial development of coastal Tamil Nadu. The
project will be of particular significance to Tuticorin harbour, which has the
potential to transform itself into a nodal port. The State Government has
announced its proposal to develop 13 minor ports, including Ennore,
Cuddalore, Nagapattinam, Thondi, Valinokam, Kolachel and Kanyakumari.
Development of the canal and ports is also expected to provide increased
maritime security for Tamil Nadu.