Page 397 - SSB Interview: The Complete Guide, Second Edition
P. 397

surges),  during  the  diffraction  process,  the  rather  wide  turn  it  has  to  take
               spared the south Kerala coast. On the other hand, deepening the Sethu Canal
               might provide a more direct route for the tsunami and this could impact south
               Kerala.”  Putting  a  virtual  stop  to  the  controversial  Sethusamudram  canal

               project, the Supreme Court on 21 April 2010 decided to wait for a “full and
               comprehensive” Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA) on the feasibility of

               an alternative route through Dhanushkodi instead of Ram Sethu.



               As the name suggests, it is an international organisation dealing with the rules

               of trade between nations. It constitutes the permanent institutional framework
               for the multilateral trading system. WTO came into being on 1 January 1995,
               and  at  present  consists  of  150  member  countries.  Its  permanent  HQ  is  in

               Geneva. Before its formation, the General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade
               (GATT)  had  been  providing  the  rules  for  the  global  trading  system  since


                 The largest GATT round of negotiations, which lasted from 1986 to 1994
               led to the WTO’s creation. During the Uruguay round, over 60 developing
               countries,  became  a  part  of  the  WTO-implemented  trade  liberalisation

               programme. Later summits were held at the following venues:

                     The first summit was held at Singapore in 1996

                     The second summit was held at Cancun in 2003

                     The last summit at ministerial level was held at Hong Kong in 2005

                 The WTO had a very turbulent start right from its inception where the trade
               interests of member countries were found conflicting. The disagreement was

               especially  between  the  developed  and  developing  countries  as
               agriculturists/farmers  of  respective  countries  felt  they  would  be  severely
               harmed by WTO’s agreements.
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