Page 505 - SSB Interview: The Complete Guide, Second Edition
P. 505

‘International AROGYA 2017’ — The First Edition of the International
                     Exhibition  and  Conference  on  AYUSH  and  Wellness  on  the  theme

                     ‘Enhancing the export potential of AYUSH’ was organised from 4 to 7

                     December 2017.

                     First Meeting of BIMSTEC Task Force on Traditional Medicine in India
                     was organised by the Ministry of AYUSH from 24 to 25 October 2017

                     at New Delhi.

                     Three  MoUs  were  signed  by  the  Central  Council  for  Research  in

                     Homoeopathy, an autonomous body under the Ministry of AYUSH.

                     The  National  Medicinal  Plants  Board  in  collaboration  with  the
                     Federation  on  Medicinal  and  Aromatic  Plants  Stakeholders

                     (FEDMAPS), New Delhi, had organised an International Symposium on

                     “National Policy Drafting of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of India”
                     on 19–20 January 2017.


                   “In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death

                                                      and taxes.”

                                                                                       — Ben Franklin

                 1.  The GOODS AND SERVICES TAX (GST) is a bold financial reform
                     introduced with effect from 1 July 2017, which will have far-reaching

                     impact  across  the  economic  canvas  of  India.  GST  is  aimed  at

                     simplifying  procedures  and  optimising  tax  revenues  to  benefit  all  the
                     principal stakeholders, namely, the consumer, the manufacturer and the

                     Central and State Governments. This will enable integrating the entire
                     country as one market, facilitating ease of doing business and propelling

                     India as the top preference in the emerging market arena.
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