Page 509 - SSB Interview: The Complete Guide, Second Edition
P. 509
government to provide all children of society equal opportunities for
development during their period of growth. When due to various reasons,
some of them do not get opportunities for development during their period of
growth, they get involved in crimes and these crimes are known as juvenile
Crime by juveniles is a harsh reality in today’s world. It is increasing day
by day, not only in India but also in the other parts of the world.
Recently, many juveniles were found to be involved in various crimes such
as murder and rape cases. This is all happening because of a lack of moral
values and poor enforcement of laws by the government. A government
should take strict measures to eradicate this as it is disturbing society in
various ways.
Who is a juvenile?
Juvenile means a person who is very young; a teenager or an adolescent. A
child who has not yet attained a certain age at which he can be held liable for
his/her criminal acts like an adult under the law. In legal terms, it is said that
a juvenile is a person who has not attained the age of eighteen years. It has
legal significance. As per the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Act,
2000, a juvenile shall not be treated as an adult even if he/she is involved in
any criminal act for the purpose of trial and punishment in a court of law.
Juvenile Crimes in India
General crimes such as theft, burglary, snatching, which are not serious in
nature or crimes such as robbery, dacoity, murder, rape, etc., which are
heinous, are on the rise in the whole country. And the harsh reality is that all
these heinous crimes are committed by children below 18 years of age.
Juveniles between 16 and 18 years are found to be more involved in crimes.
All of us are aware of the Nirbhaya case that took place on 16 December
2013, which shocked the whole country. In that case, among the five accused,