P. 113


                                                         the discussion that now
                                                         they are going to travel
                                                         to  separate  ends  in
                                                         different  colleges.  Both
                                                         decide that they will try
                                                         for  Armed  forces  and
                 © SSBCRACK                              serve  the  motherland.
                                                         This  will  uplift  the
                                                         heritage  and  honor  of
                                                         the village as well. Time
                                                         fleeted by and they were
                                                         heading  two  different
           careers. Nandan went ahead with a commerce graduation from Delhi and
           Sudhir joined an engineering college. As determined they were both of them
           got recommended under the Combined Defence Service Examination Entry
           from the Indian Army.
            Officer Like Qualities      Relevance to the mentioned story

            Effective Intelligence  This trait is seen both the characters by virtue of
                                 their academic insights
            Reasoning Ability    The  understanding  of  the  fact  that  a  job  in  the
                                 armed forces brings in great respect and honor to
                                 everyone  shows  this  trait.  Also,  its  direct
                                 opportunity to serve the country.
            Power of Expression  The story is clear and vocal about the efforts of
                                 both the friends and their spirit to join the armed
            Self Confidence      This trait is also seen in the story by the way the
                                 characters align their goals and achieve the same
            Determination        Both  the  characters  are  highly  determined  to
                                 serve by being a part of the armed forces.
            Organizing Ability   This trait is also seen in both the characters by
                                 virtue of their lifestyle and how well they proceed
                                 in order to achieve their dream
            Initiative           This trait has indirect presence here which they
                                 inculcate over the years as a personality trait.
            Courage              This trait is seen as they both are brave to fight all
                                 odds and wish to join the armed forces

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