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           basketball. Being a class topper and all-rounder Diya is an example to her
           batch  mates.  Time  to  time,  she  helps  others  developing  the  enthusiasm
           towards sports and in academics. She was selected as the team captain in
           Interschool Basketball championship, Junior Category where she displayed
           outstanding enthusiasm and earned trophy for the school. She was a regular
           participant in gymnastics and has a vision to break the record of her idol.
            Officer Like Qualities      Relevance to the mentioned story
            Effective Intelligence  The  lead  character  being  a  bright  student  and
                                 organized lifestyle shows this trait.
            Reasoning Ability    The character has a reasonable understanding of
                                 importance  of  sports  and  skipping  for  building
                                 stamina for other sports etc.
            Power of Expression  The  story  displays  sequence  of  facts  and
                                 expression is clear.
            Self Confidence      The  lead  character  displays  high  degree  of  self
                                 confidence  in  all  spheres  from  academics  to
            Determination        Diya is determined to create and break the world
                                 record of her idol.
            Organizing Ability   Diya  has  a  very  organized  lifestyle  and  a  good
                                 balance  between  academics  and  sports.  On  the
                                 contrary, on account of her team captain skills we
                                 see this trait as well.
            Initiative           This trait can be seen and is a contributing factor
                                 from both the lead character as well as parents.
            Courage              Taking  a  decision  against  all  odds  needs  the
                                 element of courage and hence shows this trait
            Cooperation          The  lead  character  exhibits  a  high  degree  of
                                 cooperation  as  she  shares  and  encourages  other
                                 batch mates.
            Sense of             The  lead  character  has  a  sense  of  responsibility
            Responsibility       and that is what drives her to encourage others.
            Stamina              This trait is inferred indirectly
            Group Influencing    This trait can be seen in multiple parts of the story.
            Liveliness           The lead character is full of energy and enthusiasm
                                 in both areas of academics and sports.
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