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engagement activity where she arranges, decides and arranges various
excursion trips of the college students. The juniors were very obedient and
observed her as a role model towards ever thing. Ms Alison aspires to the
serve the Indian Space Research Organization after completing her
Officer Like Qualities Relevance to the mentioned story
Effective Intelligence This trait can be related to the academic accolades
of the lady as mentioned in the story.
Reasoning Ability The understanding of importance of outdoor
activities and from a career standpoint serving the
nation shows this trait.
Power of Expression The story expresses the meaning without any
Self Confidence The lead character is very confident in her approach
towards things as it can be seen from the story.
Determination Alison is a determined lady for doing the best out
of everything that comes in the way be it in
academics or outdoors.
Organizing Ability The facts mentioned in the Story that Alison is a
part of the outdoor committee shows this trait as
she is the major organizer.
Initiative We see this trait indirectly in all activities involving
the lead character.
Courage Undertaking daunting activities shows this trait
from the standpoint of leadership
Cooperation The juniors being cooperative, it can be inferred
from the story.
Sense of The lead character also understands the sense of
Responsibility responsibility to serve the nation in the technical front.
Stamina We see this trait as the lead character is much
involved into multitude of activities.
Group Influencing We see this trait as the lead character takes lead
Ability in organizing various activities and the fact that
juniors see her as a role model shows this trait.
Liveliness The lead character is very lively in spirt and is an
established all-rounder.
Social Adaptability The team engagement part verifies this trait of the
lead character
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