P. 37


           Thereafter  those  5  friends  along  with  the  injured  to  the  hospital.  Due  to
           immediate response by the friends the ambulance could reach on time and
           the injured were out of danger. The families on arrival expressed sincere
           thanks to the medical team and the friends. The next day the principal got to
           know about this incident from the teacher and congratulated the friends in
           person for the brave act.

            Officer Like Qualities      Relevance to the mentioned story
            Effective Intelligence  This trait shows the traits to multiple people as it
                                 is  group  happening.  The  friends  understand,
                                 assess the situation and then respond to it
            Reasoning Ability    They  divided  themselves  in  groups  and
                                 spontaneously  carried  out  the  calling  in  of
                                 ambulance and picking the injured to the side.
            Power of Expression  The story has a clarity over the expression over the
                                 occurrence of events
            Self Confidence      The  group  of  friends  are  confident  it  is  their
                                 confidence that they were able to quickly respond
                                 to the situation
            Determination        The group is determined to help till the last minute
                                 as they not only called in the ambulance but also
                                 accompanied till the family members arrived
            Organizing Ability   The friends carried out a very organized approach
                                 without any hustle and confusion
            Initiative           In  a  panic  situation  one  is  deemed  to  stay
                                 awestruck  but  these  group  of  friends  took  the
                                 initiative within no time.
            Courage              This trait is also clearly visible here
            Cooperation          There is a high degree of cooperation within the
                                 friends  and  also  simultaneously  engaging  other
            Sense of             The  friends  understand    their  sense  of
            Responsibility       responsibility  and  act  accordingly.  They  wait  till
                                 the arrival of family members.
            Stamina              This trait is also found here all over the story
            Group Influencing    This  trait  is  also  clearly  visible  here  as  the
            Ability              execution  of  actions  between  friends  and  other
                                 people happen in no time
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