P. 41
Self Confidence This trait is seen by the ability of the main
character to go and interact with local people,
understanding the need and immediately
proposing to the cabinet for decisions
Determination The main character has a very deterministic
attitude here
Organizing Ability He is very organized and understands and uses the
resources properly. There is no time delay in
execution of ideas.
Initiative As a senior officer he showed leadership by
initiating and interactive discussion with the
Courage Courage can be inferred from this as dealing with
locals and getting them to one side needs efforts.
Cooperation The main character is seen having a very jovial and
cooperative relation with all employees as well as
Sense of This trait is also visible here. His efforts to restore
Responsibility the gun foundry shows the same
Stamina Visiting multiple sites in less span of time need lot
of endurance and hence we see this trait here as
Group Influencing Mr firoz is seen having very cordial relation with
Ability his employees and his instructions are followed
quickly. This shows this trait
Liveliness This trait is also seen here by the character’s
approach to interact with the locals
Social Adaptability This trait is also seen here as a sum total of all the
Picture 10 - Story 1:
The National Cadet Corps of India offers a plethora of opportunities to
youngsters to groom their leadership as well as witness different expeditions.
Rohan, Vidit, Mayank and Saket were students of a private engineering
college in Raipur. Right since their schooling they have been a part of the NCC
Air wing division. After coming into the college, they continued their tenure
with NCC and proceeded towards accomplishing the C certificate course.
They belonged to the flying branch in the NCC. The group of friends
participated in sports, cultural and many other activities hosted by the
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