P. 45
Cooperation There is a high level of cooperation between the
team and Mr Shashi when it comes to execution
of tasks.
Sense of Mr Shashi deeply understands his passion to
Responsibility serve the society and also his responsibility to
empower maximum no of citizens with skills
Stamina Taking personal visit and maintaining high level of
interaction needs lot of stamina.
Group Influencing This trait we see here by his ability to execute
Ability orders and friendly and cordial relations with all
other employees.
Liveliness The main character is lively in spirt and hence is
taking all possible measures to personally ensure
the task gets done.
Social Adaptability This is widely seen by the interactive
temperament of the main character.
Picture 11 - Story 1:
The picture shows a scene in the mortuary room of City hospital, Bangalore
attended by two ward boys Raunak and Vinay. Vinay recently had been
attending to a patient
in the ICU who
sustained grave
injuries. Vinay is
discussing the entire
© SSBCRACK matter with Raunak
while the family is
completing the legal
formalities. Vinay
mentions to Raunak
that the patient
Sameer was crossing a
traffic x road where an over speeding truck hit the car from the side. After
that the car toppled multiple times leading to death on the spot. Also, the
ambulance faced challenges while reaching the spot and returning to hospital
due to traffic congestion. Sameer is survived by his 11 year old son Sohan and
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